
Through a bespoke programme of advanced training events, courses, secondments and doctoral studies, RECOMS will enhance the Scientific, Professional, Personal and Transferable Skills of the ESRs. It will increase their mobility and enhance their career prospects as researchers, policy makers, facilitators, consultants, social innovators and/or environmental educators.

The training programme is organised around a 36-month schedule of joint training events. This will include seminars, tutorials, small-group intervision sessions, two integrated action-based learning residentials (with a specific focus on community-led approaches to food sovereignty and sustainable energy), visual learning and communication exercises, symposia and two doctoral summer schools (open also to external participants).

The event-based training schedule will be complemented by an online guided programme of reflective learning, local training at hosting institutes (including compulsory training in and on-the-job training via two secondments). At least one of the secondments will be with a non-academic organisation.

May 07

Viola Hakkarainen, RECOMS fellow, will talk about her research “On the other end of research - Exploring community-level knowledge exchanges in small-scale fisheries in Zanzibar” during "Exploring places & practices through transformative methods", SUSPLACE final conference on 7-10th May, 2019, Tampere Finland. Find out more about SUSPLACE, and check out the event's site here:

Feb 01

Our first 12 days Action Learning training event in Coventry, UK in February 2019 will have its focus on Agroecology and Food Sovereignty. 

Sep 16

Detailed description of training

In 16-23 September 2018 in Vaasa, Finland RECOMS will hold its first training. The training will bring together for the first time the team of all Early Stage Researchers fellows, their mentors from seven institutes and the four partner organizations to discuss the network as a whole and specific topics on resilience and resourcefulness, gender, identity and intersectionality, while also focusing on professional and personal skills of project management, leadership and career planning and team working and creative thinking.
