latest news & announcements

Young researchers thoughts and messages from RECOMS 2nd training

14 young researchers got together within the frame of RECOMS second training event in February in Coventry, UK to deal with various community projects and work with local stakeholders on food sovereignty and agroecology. One of the groups jointly composed a piece on the blog 'Food' about their thoughts and reflections. 

New blog on community eco-stories from RECOMS fellow

Scott Davis, RECOMS fellow started his blog early this year on his research. In his words, the blog is "about local environments and spaces, which are changing at pace, therefore how communities’ feel attached to, and responsible for adjusting their places, is also constantly evolving. At a governance level, there is a social policy drive for “stronger communities” often under the banner of community resilience. Governments are requesting communities to participate more in society and therefore become more ‘’resilient’’ through taking responsibility for their local environments.

RECOMS fellow's article published

In the article (Toxic Bios: Toxic Autobiographies—A Public Environmental Humanities Project), the authors present Toxic Bios, a public environmental humanities project that aims to co-produce, gather, and make visible stories of contamination and resistance.The project aims to foster environmental justice (EJ) through enhancing narrative justice, contrasting toxic narratives, and uncovering unheard stories. Throughout the article, they place Toxic Bios within the larger field of the environmental humanities, suggesting a series of areas in which it can contribute to the EJ field.

RECOMS training event on agroecology and communications

RECOMS 2nd Training Event called an action learning trainining project on agroecology and food sovereignty took place in Coventry between 1-8 February lead by RECOMS partner, Shared Assets, and continued in Brussels where the fellows had the opportunity to present their current research status to the European Commission. During the two weeks, the focus was on developing a project in smaller groups in three various topics relevant for Coventry and agroecology.

The winding paths to Food Democracy

Stephen Leitheiser, RECOMS fellow recently attended the second annual Vernetzungskongress der Ernährungsräte (Congress for German-speaking Food Policy Councils) which took place in Frankfurt from 23-25 November 2018. Here representatives from 28 Food Policy Councils (FPCs) from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands met to map out a future towards Food Democracy. In learning of their experiences he learned that there are many paths toward the horizon of Food Democracy - and they are all winding.  

Exploring The Political Dimensions Of Food - Berlin is hungry for Food Sovereignty

Citizen-led Food Policy Councils (FPCs, called an Ernährungsratin Germany) have been long-standing in the United States and Canada.  But, in recent years Europe has seen an increasing emergence of food initiatives seeking transformative political change in the food system and beyond.  Stephen recently traveled to Berlin, Germany for a meeting of the Berlin Food Policy Council (BFPC) to begin exploring the political dimensions of citizen-led food initiatives.

New Fellow Wanted

The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (LMU Munich) is seeking a highly motivated Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to undertake doctoral studies and participate in a broad range of scientific and professional training as part of an H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Resourceful and Resilient Community Environmental Practice (RECOMS). 

RECOMS team gathers for first training in Finland

The whole RECOMS group gathered for the first time between 16th and 21st September in Vaasa, Finland to have its first training event about photography as well as resilience, resourcefulness and vulnerability. The fifteen fellows and their mentors as well as RECOMS partners gathered to have discussions about resourcefulness and resilience and to listen to presentations on positionality, vulnerability and photography.

Kick off meeting

The RECOMS kick off meeting took place on 26-28th March, 2018 in Coventry where all partners gathered to launch the project and lay the basis of cooperation for the upcoming 4 years of the project. During the kick-off meeting, besides planning thoroughly the whole project, we discussed our upcoming trainings, recruitment strategy and our communication tools. 
