Browse RECOMS creative methods collection for engagement

RECOMS compiled a database on creative methods, which is intended to help action-researchers put creative inquiry and engagement methods to practical use. It provides a compendium of detailed methods, but is also meant to inspire users to adapt them for their context and create their own. Browse various methods for creative ideas for your community involvement!

by Reka Livits

Creative methods engage participants outside the parameters of traditional qualitative data collection and analysis. They often include empathetic, artistic, narrative, or aesthetic expression as the basis for investigating, intervening, creating knowledge, and sharing information. Such methods are intended to evoke deeper research insights and richer or more nuanced interpretations. They can facilitate meaning making and highlight alternative types of knowledge and ways of knowing.

It is widely agreed that new ways of thinking and doing can create new constellations of possibilities for change. Thus, in our collective work towards more just, sustainable, and regenerative societies, creative methods can support transformative practices on multiple levels. RECOMS is focused on supporting vulnerable communities to become more resourceful and resilient by strengthening people’s capacity to adapt and transform in the face of social and ecological crises. Creative methods have the potential to help uncover and nourish the inherent resourcefulness and wisdom already existing amongst groups of people.

To help researchers in their endeavours, RECOMS compiled a creativity toolkit including various methods that could be used in different conditions. To aid tailoring the most suitable method for a specific use, the database is searchable based on various parameters, which also helps the researcher to find the most feasible way of enagement.

Browse our creativity toolkit here. Should you also like to recommend an additional method, please contact the RECOMS team here. We would be very happy to extend our database with other methods.