
The winding paths to Food Democracy

Stephen Leitheiser, RECOMS fellow recently attended the second annual Vernetzungskongress der Ernährungsräte (Congress for German-speaking Food Policy Councils) which took place in Frankfurt from 23-25 November 2018. Here representatives from 28 Food Policy Councils (FPCs) from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands met to map out a future towards Food Democracy. In learning of their experiences he learned that there are many paths toward the horizon of Food Democracy - and they are all winding.  

Exploring The Political Dimensions Of Food - Berlin is hungry for Food Sovereignty

Citizen-led Food Policy Councils (FPCs, called an Ernährungsratin Germany) have been long-standing in the United States and Canada.  But, in recent years Europe has seen an increasing emergence of food initiatives seeking transformative political change in the food system and beyond.  Stephen recently traveled to Berlin, Germany for a meeting of the Berlin Food Policy Council (BFPC) to begin exploring the political dimensions of citizen-led food initiatives.

New Fellow Wanted

The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (LMU Munich) is seeking a highly motivated Early Stage Researcher (ESR) to undertake doctoral studies and participate in a broad range of scientific and professional training as part of an H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network on Resourceful and Resilient Community Environmental Practice (RECOMS). 


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