Participatory urban food systems development
The question of how to make food systems more sustainable is increasingly on the menu for scientists, citizens, and policymakers. This policy event and scientific – citizen dialogue aims to bridge the gap between these different groups working to make food systems more sustainable and just. It is meant to inspire open and critical discussion on topics of transformation, food as a cross-cutting topic, and citizen participation.
This event is considered an “opening statement” for collaborative action as it aims to network and link up various actors in joint pursuit of sustainable and just food systems.
The event was originally planned to be held live in Cologne, Germany, but will now be held online and hosted by Bonn.Digital. The event will be mixed in German and English, and will feature moderated discussions in the morning followed by a Q&A, with open and participatory workshops in the afternoon. We have scholars and civic leaders from across Europe who will be presenting on diverse topics in the afternoon – ranging from Community Supported Agriculture to Urban Food Strategies.
We hope to see you there!
*The event is organised by the University of Applied Sciences Südwestfalen, the Cologne Food Policy Council, and partners from the RECOMS project consortium, in cooperation with the City of Cologne, the Network of Food Policy Councils and Stadt.Land.Markt e.V.. It is funded by the BMBF in the programme "Science in Dialogue" as well as the European Union through the RECOMS project.